Numbers and Titles

Includesoutdoor unitary equipment that may consist of heat recovery, service vestibules, boilers, chillers and space for other mechanical equipment. Units may be mounted on the roof or at grade level. Units may be for single-zone, multizone, and variable-air-volume applications; and can have multiple separate air handlers incorporated into a single unit. Assembly of non-standard customized or custom-built components, or combination of standard components with non-standard customized or custom-built components.
23 75 13Custom-Packaged, Outdoor, Central-Station Air-Handling Units
23 75 16Custom-Packaged, Rooftop Air-Conditioning Units
23 75 23Custom-Packaged, Outdoor, Heating and Ventilating Makeup-Air Units
23 75 33Custom-Packaged, Outdoor, Heating and Cooling Makeup Air-Conditioners