Numbers and Titles

Includescountertops of any material.
Alternate Terms/AbbreviationsPLAM: plastic laminate.
See06 61 13 for simulated stone fabrications. 09 30 00 for tile countertops. 11 53 00 for laboratory equipment. 12 56 53 for laboratory furniture.
See Also06 41 00 for countertops with architectural wood casework. 06 60 00 for plastic fabrications. 12 31 00 for countertops with manufactured metal casework. 12 32 00 for countertops with manufactured wood casework. 12 34 00 for countertops with manufactured plastic casework. 12 35 00 for countertops with manufactured specialty casework. 12 35 53 for countertops with laboratory casework. 22 40 00 for sinks and lavatories. 22 60 00 for laboratory systems.
12 36 13Concrete Countertops
12 36 16Metal Countertops
12 36 19Wood Countertops
12 36 23Plastic Countertops
12 36 26Glass Countertops
12 36 40Stone Countertops
12 36 53Laboratory Countertops
12 36 61Simulated Stone Countertops
12 36 71Paper-Composite Countertops