Numbers and Titles

Includesexcavation and removal of underwater material from within a body of water such as a river, stream, canal, harbor, or other surface water body.
See02 60 00 for contaminated site material removal 31 23 19 for dewatering of excavated spoil 33 01 10 for water utility intake structure cleaning and water supply reservoir cleaning 35 53 00 for underwater construction.
35 24 13Suction Dredging
35 24 21Bucket Dredging
35 24 23Clamshell Dredging
35 24 26Backhoe/Dipper Dredging
35 24 33Water Injection Dredging
35 24 36Pneumatic Dredging
35 24 43Bed-Levelling Dredging
35 24 46Krabbelaar Dredging
35 24 53Waterway Snag Removal