Numbers and Titles

05 10 00 Structural Metal Framing
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Includesstructural metal elements. Permanent bracing and bridge members. Metal columns, beams, girders, joists, purlins, studs, trusses, and other metal framing. Usually Includes: related fastenings and shop-applied coatings.
See07 95 53 for joint slide bearings. 13 32 00 for space frames. 13 33 00 for geodesic structures.
See Also05 05 13 for shop-applied coatings for metal. 05 05 23 for metal fastenings.
05 12 00Structural Steel Framing
05 13 00Structural Stainless-Steel Framing
05 14 00Structural Aluminum Framing
05 15 00Wire Rope Assemblies
05 16 00Structural Cabling
05 17 00Structural Rod Assemblies
05 19 00Tension Rod and Cable Truss Assemblies