Numbers and Titles

Includesglass and plastic glazing for doors, sidelights, transoms, borrowed lights, entrances, storefronts, curtain walls, windows, skylights, and glazed structures.
Does Not Includeglazing integral with manufactured items such as casework, food service equipment, and telephone enclosures.
See08 10 00 for doors and frames. 08 30 00 for shop glazing of entrances, storefronts, and curtain walls. 08 50 00 for factory glazing of windows. 08 60 00 for shop glazing of roof windows and skylights. 13 34 13 for glazed structures.
08 81 00Glass Glazing
08 83 00Mirrors
08 84 00Plastic Glazing
08 85 00Glazing Accessories
08 87 00Glazing Surface Films
08 88 00Special Function Glazing