Numbers and Titles

03 01 00 Maintenance of Concrete
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Includesmaintenance, repair, rehabilitation, replacement, restoration, preservation, etc. of concrete. Includes graffiti removal. Includes epoxy-injected crack repair.
Level 4 Numbering RecommendationLevel 4 titles for concrete are provided as examples for user's creation of more detailed titles for other subjects as required. Following Level 4 numbering is recommended: .51-.59 for maintenance. .61-.69 for repair. .71-.79 for rehabilitation. .81-.89 for replacement. .91-.99 for restoration.
See02 25 16 for existing concrete assessment. 03 30 00 for cleaning new cast-in-place concrete. 03 40 00 for cleaning new precast concrete. 09 96 23 for graffiti-resistant coatings. 32 01 26 for rigid pavement surface treatment. 32 01 29 for rigid pavement rehabilitation.
03 01 10Maintenance of Concrete Forming and Accessories
03 01 20Maintenance of Concrete Reinforcing
03 01 23Maintenance of Stressing Tendons
03 01 30Maintenance of Cast-in-Place Concrete
03 01 40Maintenance of Precast Concrete
03 01 50Maintenance of Cast Decks and Underlayment
03 01 60Maintenance of Grouting
03 01 70Maintenance of Mass Concrete
03 01 80Maintenance of Concrete Cutting and Boring