Numbers and Titles

27 32 00 Voice Communications Terminal Equipment
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Includestelephones and other equipment associated with use of telephone lines.
Alternate Terms/AbbreviationsTTY: teletypewriter, also called TDD: telecommunication device for the deaf. Facsimiles: fax machines.
See10 17 00 for telephone specialties. 10 25 16 for modular service walls. 14 20 00 for elevators. 27 31 00 for voice communications switching and routing equipment. 27 33 00 for voice communications messaging. 27 33 26 for facsimile servers. 27 34 00 for call accounting. 27 35 00 for call management.
27 32 13Telephone Sets
27 32 16Wireless Transceivers
27 32 23Elevator Telephones
27 32 26Ring-Down Emergency Telephones
27 32 29Facsimiles and Modems
27 32 36TTY Equipment
27 32 43Radio Communications Equipment