Numbers and Titles

04 40 00 Stone Assemblies
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Includesnatural and cut stone assembly construction.
May Includemasonry mortaring, masonry grouting, masonry anchorage and reinforcing, and masonry accessories.
See09 30 33 for stone tiling. 09 63 40 for stone flooring. 09 75 00 for wall stone facing. 10 21 13 for stone toilet compartments. 12 36 40 for stone countertops. 31 37 16 for stone riprap. 32 14 40 for stone paving. 32 15 40 for crushed stone surfacing. 32 16 13.43 for stone curbs. 35 31 29 for stone seawalls, revetments, jetties, and groins. 35 42 53 for stone wall waterway bank protection. 35 43 53 for stone wall waterway scour protection.
See Also04 05 13 for masonry mortaring. 04 05 16 for masonry grouting. 04 05 19 for masonry anchorage and reinforcing. 04 05 23 for masonry accessories.
Productsstone materials: bluestone, granite, limestone, marble, quartzite, sandstone, serpentine, travertine, and slate. collected natural stone: excavated stone, field stone, and riverbed stone. quarried cut stone: cleft-face stone and dimension stone.
04 41 00Dry-Placed Stone
04 42 00Exterior Stone Cladding
04 43 00Stone Masonry